Thursday, March 26, 2009

So You Want to Learn How to Play Guitar

You've decided that this is it. You want to learn how to play guitar, start aband, become rich and famous and got buy an island. Not so fast. Let's get you off on the right foot first and that gets you right back to the beginning of that great dream of yours. (I'm all in favor of great dreams).

Where do you start? Well you start by figuring out what style of guitar you think you want to learn: lead, bass, rhythm, classical...what is it that you see yourself doing. And then you go from there.

Let's stick with acoustic guitar..I know a bit about that one. You start off by getting a guitar. need one so don't laugh at that. And get a decent one. Full body, low string action to the fret board, not warped and of course not opening at any seams.

With rythem guitar you really will be well served to learn chord and chord progressions. Get yourself a good guitar chord book and if you are self-teaching, a good lesson book. Pay attention to the way things are explained and described. A couple hints for a newbie like you would include simple things like clip your fngernails at least on your left hand. Nails get in the way when first learning to hold down strings and you will have enough challenges without that too.

Strum with an up down motion of your right wrist. If you wake up after one day of strumming and it feels like your right arm worked out with weights or something, you are probably using too much arm and too little wrist.

Speaking of wrists, make sure your left on is dropped so you have the leverage to curl those fingertips over the strings. Think of your fingertips like a hammer hitting a mail, the more straight over the top you can go the clearer you probably will sound. And look at your fingers after you play where is the line from the sting? The more straight across the tip it is the bettrer you are doing with your finger posture.

And then start trying chord progressions. Learn a new chord every day. And make yourself at least TRY to find the chord without looking to see how much you remember. And of course, like I say all the time..practice, practice, practice.

I think this is a good enough start for you. Try that, I'll give you more to chew on later.

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